The 01333 area code is for Anstruther and the surrounding area.
Locations using 01333 numbers include:
- Anstruther
- Arncroach
- Colinsburgh
- Crail
- Elie
- Kennoway
- Leven
- Lundin Links
- St Monans
- Upper Largo
Most numbers using the 01333 area code are normal Anstruther landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. (More info)
01333 area code information
Area code: | 01333 |
Location: | Anstruther |
Council area: | Fife |
Local number length: | 6 digits |
Number format: | 01333 xxxxxx |
International number format: | +44 1333 xxxxxx |
Last code change: | April 1995 (previously 0333) |
Notes and links
Regulator Ofcom refers to 01333 officially as ‘Peat Inn’, but the hamlet of this name is itself actually served by the 01334 area code.