020 Area Code

London 0204 numbers

Numbers that start with the 020 area code, including ‘0204’ numbers, are for London and the surrounding area.

The batch of numbers starting 020 4 is the newest set of numbers introduced in London, first coming into use during late 2019.

There is no technical or official difference between London phone numbers which start 020 4 and those which start with 020 3, 020 7 or 020 8 – all are available to business and personal customers anywhere in London.

Is 0204 a new London area code?

No, the area code for London is still simply 020 and has been since the year 2000.

Prior to 2000, there were separate inner and outer London area codes of 0171 and 0181. This led to a common misconception that the newer 020 numbers must also be split into distinct separate areas but this has never been the case.

In fact, all the numbers from (020) 2000 0000 to (020) 9989 9999 have been reserved for use in London since 2000. Numbers starting 020 4 have technically always been available for use; they simply have not been seen before because the telecoms regulator, Ofcom, prefers to issue numbers in distinct batches and until recently could easily meet demand for numbers from existing stocks of 020 3, 020 7 and 020 8 numbers.

Which area of London are numbers starting 020 4 for?

All 020 numbers are available for use in all areas of London.

Although there were separate area codes for inner and outer London between 1990 and 2000, the distinction was scrapped with the introduction of the single London-wide 020 area code. Any 020 number can be used in any part of London.

As is the case with all landline numbers, 020 numbers can also be used to forward calls to other parts of the country, to international destinations, or to virtual services such as VOIP phones.

Frequently asked questions about ‘0204 numbers’

Are 0204 numbers for new businesses?
Numbers starting 020 4 have only been issued to customers from 2019 onwards. However, as most phone companies have stocks of other 020 numbers and re-use old numbers, new connections can also still use numbers starting 020 7 or 020 8 as well as newer 020 3 numbers.

Is it 020 or 0204?
The area code for London is just 020; the following digits are all part of the eight-digit local number. When displaying London phone numbers, the correct format is 020 xxxx xxxx – with the first space placed immediately after the 020 area code.

Do I need to dial 0204 in London?
The 020 area code is optional from landlines and calls within the London area can be made by dialling just the eight-digit local phone number. For example, (020) 7946 7946 can be dialled as simply ‘7946 7946’ from any 020 London landline.

More information

» 020 area code
Full details of areas covered and the history of 020 numbers.

» Phone number formatting
How to correctly display phone numbers.

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